Five Element & TCM Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxibustion, Nutritional Kinesiology
Senior Lic Acu, BA (Hons), BSc (Hons), Dip Paed, MBAcC, IKAC, KA
Lyndsey Hori-Johnson - Senior Acupuncture Practitioner
Kinesiology – a way to good health
Kinesiology has grabbed some people’s attention lately. Even though some critics claim it can be unreliable, many with longstanding health problems that have stumped even experienced healthcare practitioners, are turning to a kinesiologist as a last resort. The results can be stunning – kinesiologists can resolve complex, difficult health problems.
Kinesiology is profound. As an acupuncturist, it integrates incredibly into what I do. I couldn’t be without it. Taking a case history from a client is essential, but the rest would be tested on the body.
When I analyse the results of testing muscle response, my patient tells me their own story: which foods are currently upsetting their system; which are the most pressing imbalances needing attention. Kinesiology also suggests the best treatment that I can use.
What are the benefits of Kinesiology?
Kinesiology restores the whole system to balance, facilitating the self-healing process.
It can, for example:
increase energy and vitality
prevent illness
improve posture
relieve physical pain and tension
defuse stress and the causes of stress
heal traumas
enhance brain function and co-ordination
discover individual nutritional needs
identify food and environmental sensitivities
find and clear underlying causes of energy blocks/imbalances/diseases
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a gentle holistic energy therapy combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern muscle monitoring techniques. Kinesiology is simple and safe muscle testing procedures to gain an insight and feedback into the areas of stress and imbalances within the body’s energy system. The body’s energy system can become imbalanced and will reflect as a stress in the body. Within the Kinesiology discipline it is known the body falls out of balance by 3 main factors; physical impairment, biochemical or emotional. Once the factor is highlighted these factors can then be explored further to find and rebalance the body’s vitality.
Kinesiology can be used on every aspect of a person’s wellbeing across the physical, psychological, electromagnet, emotional, nutritional and spiritual levels. It works by using specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, energy reflexes and emotional releasing techniques to identify and shift the imbalances which may be hindering optimal health.
Physiotherapists and sports therapists are familiar with kinesiology, which means, literally, the study of movement. It was the chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart who, in the early sixties, discovered ‘applied kinesiology’. In other words, he learned to interpret the results that he found when he exerted pressure on a limb to test how a specific muscle was working.
Dr Goodheart also found that if a muscle wasn’t as strong as the other muscles, he could use massage treatment points on the body, that acted like switches and turned the muscle back on to full strength. He realised that if he stimulated certain acupuncture meridians and points, it would also restore a muscle’s strength and that each muscle shared a circuit with a meridian and an organ. This discovery allowed Dr. Goodheart get to the root of why some people’s hip, back or knee pain was not improving, or why they needed regular adjustments because treatment would not hold.
He found that he was able to identify and correct muscle malfunctions by finding the cause of their distress. This might be a nutritional imbalance, an emotional stress, or an acupuncture meridian imbalance. He could then apply the best treatment for his patient’s underlying problems. Treatments worked really well and ‘held’ a lot longer. Since Dr Goodheart’s original discoveries, other practitioners have developed kinesiology into the amazing diagnostic tool it is today.
Who can be tested?
People of all ages - whatever their level of fitness or health - can benefit, including:
babies & children
Kinesiology is based on the fact that body language never lies. Sometimes we don’t understand it, but it is constantly expressing externally what is going on internally.
This divine design is so accurate that the healer within can be approached from without. If one will take time and effort to learn this body language then the doors are opened to many of the body’s mysteries that have been previously concealed. As kinesiologists we can tune into this and help facilitate this healing process. Yes, the body’s responses are without error and it has an innate wisdom. So let it tell us its own story!
Treating the cause, not just the symptoms?
Muscle monitoring, done by a trained kinesiologist, can access information regarding the underlying causes of a person's health problems and identify the most appropriate treatment.
For example, two people with similar health complaints may receive quite different advice. Let's imagine two people go to see a kinesiologist, both experiencing headaches, and see how a kinesiology session may work out a unique treatment for each person.